Within yourself, you possess the strength you need to form the relationships you desire.

 Mental Health, Therapy, & Counseling

When we work on ourselves, we gain insight into our patterns and develop wisdom in our responses. As we seek to understand our past, our relationship to it changes.


Our Values as Therapists

One of our most important values is to treat our clients based on what they bring with them to their session. We will let your beliefs, needs, and goals be the guide. Whatever your background, religion, identity, or belief system, you will be fully accepted. Over the course of your treatment, our therapists may occasionally ask questions about your thoughts or actions as part of the therapy process to help you uncover motivations and desires, but won’t seek to challenge your core self– our goal is to help you become a healthier, more self-aware version of you.


Relationships are a constant and formative part of a human life. Our relationships all impact our growth and our experience in this life. We also have a relationship with ourself, our history, our present experiences, and our future.

We help you improve your relationships, with others and with yourself.

 Sage Mind Wellness offers holistic counseling for individuals and couples in every stage of life.

  • Individual Counseling

    Whether you're seeking counseling because of anxiety, depression, disconnection, or anything else, individual counseling sessions can help you understand the path that brought you to where you are today.

  • Couples' Therapy

    From an early age, we learn and develop patterns for relationships by observing our family of origin. The way communication and conflict are modeled for us forms our deepest held beliefs and values.

 We invite you to begin.

At Sage Mind Wellness, we believe deeply that insight, intuition, and care can lead to long-lasting life change for anyone who is willing to put in the work. We have had the privilege of witnessing people experience healing through acceptance of their past and finding connection in their present experience.