Life Transitions

Transitions between stages of life are inevitable. Whether it’s leaving home, beginning a career, deciding to have children, or countless other changes, we don’t know how to perfectly navigate the feelings, and thoughts that come with them.


Sometimes these transitions happen in a different order than those around us, leaving us feeling behind or out of place. Or the transition can be a negative one: a job loss or a divorce, leaving us with a different life than we planned.

It’s also possible to have done everything “right” and still feel lost and unfocused.

 ‘Life transitions’ is a term we use to refer to the changes that can impact us in a significant way. It’s perfectly normal to need help and guidance during these times. Engaging in focused, in-depth therapy can help you process the emotions that a change is stirring up. It will also guide you in exploring the underlying stories and histories that are showing up in the present. You’ll be empowered through therapy to make decisions from a place of insight and wisdom, ultimately navigating the transition and working to build the life you imagine.